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Disaster Response

Urban Search and Rescue

Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) involves primarily the location, extrication, and initial medical stabilization of victims trapped in structural collapse due to natural disasters, mines, and collapsed trenches.


Of course, Urban search-and-rescue is not just for collapsed structures and Empact has responded to a variety of hazards including earthquakes, cyclones, storms and tornadoes, floods, landslides, disease outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics.
Empact is one of a very small group of non-governmental USAR Task Forces in the world and is the only internationally deployable non-governmental USAR Team in the United States.

USAR task forces are often categorized for standardization and Empact's Expeditionary Task Force, made up of experienced firefighters and rescue instructors, currently meets the standards set for an INSARAG "light" classified team.


Empact is proud to be a participating agency in INSARAG's VOSOCC Program, the EMOPS DisasterAware Notification and Coordination Program, and the European Emergency Response Coordination Centre.


Disaster Search Canines

As part of Empact's robust disaster response capabilites, we're fortunate to have access to a cadre of highly trained, certified disaster search canines.

These dogs play a vital role in quickly locating survivors so that they can be rescued just as quickly. The window of survival for trapped disaster victims diminishes exponentially by the day.  Together with their human partners, our canine members significantly decrease the amount of time it takes to locate and save these precious lives.

Disaster Medicine

Disaster medicine is the area of medical specialization serving the dual areas of providing health care to disaster survivors and providing medically related disaster preparation, disaster planning, disaster response, and disaster recovery leadership throughout the disaster life cycle. 

Disaster medicine is unique among the medical specialties in that, unlike all other areas of specialization, the disaster medicine specialist does not practice the full scope of the specialty every day but only in emergencies. Indeed, the disaster medicine specialist often hopes to never practice the full scope of skills required. 

Empact is proud to field a small but specialized team of highly qualified disaster response healthcare experts to provide direct care and surge capacity for overwhelmed local systems.  Empact's team is made up of highly trained and deeply experienced physicians, paramedics, nurses, and EMT's with backgrounds in emergency medicine, anesthesiology, flight medicine, and deployment medicine.

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Empact is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.  EIN 27-2879330

© 2023 Empact Northwest, dba Empact International

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